With electricity prices on the rise, everyone is looking to save money on energy bills. The good news is that with a few simple changes to your routine, you can save money and reduce your carbon footprint. This breakdown from Origin Energy of how the average household in Australia uses energy shows how much heating, cooling and hot water contribute to our energy bills. Once we understand where power is being used, it is easier to change our habits to reduce usage.


Energy Saving Tips

Energy Saving Tips

  • Heating – Set your heating thermostat between 18 & 20 degrees (every degree over 20 uses approximately 10% more energy). Replace any older heating units with an energy efficient model, and turn your heating off when you go to bed. Snuggle under the blankets instead!
  • Cooling – In summer your thermostat should be set between 24 and 26 degrees as each degree under 24 uses 5% more energy. Try to use fans instead of air conditioning and turn off air conditioning (and heating in winter) in rooms that aren’t occupied.

Remember: using timers and thermostats for both heating and cooling is a smart way to reduce energy usage. Keeping your home at a constant temperature eliminates the need to run your heating and cooling at extreme settings to reach a comfortable temperature.

  • Hot Water – We know it can be hard to take a short shower in winter, but keeping your showers under 5 minutes will make a significant difference to your power bills. Make sure your showerheads are water-saving models.
  • Laundry – Switching to washing your clothes in cold water can save you up to $150 year. Only put your washing machine on when you have a full load and use your clothesline instead of a tumble drier.
  • Appliances – Always switch appliances (TV, computers, game consoles etc) off at the wall when not in use (energy saving mode still uses energy). Set your fridge between 4 and 5 degrees and your freezer to -15 degrees. Colder temperatures will use 5% more energy.

Keen to know more? Discover more energy efficiency tips from Origin Energy.

Insulate and Save Money

energy saving tips

Insulating your home is an effective way of keeping your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer without using extra energy. Insulation acts as a barrier, keeping the heat out of your home in summer and retaining it inside in winter. Most heat transfer occurs through the roof: a staggering 40% of cooling and heating energy can be lost if your roof has no insulation. Other areas you might want to consider installing installation include:

  • walls
  • floors
  • water pipes

In almost all cases, insulation can be retrofitted to most areas of your home.

Walkers Is Your Local Electrician

If you’re looking to make your household more energy efficient, talk to Walkers Electrical Solutions. We can assess where your energy usage and provide advice on energy efficient appliances, lighting and fittings. Contact us to find out more.